Do not go to grad school in the humanities - study science instead! Speedy has been saying thissince he got BA in Art History... oops. After college Speedy did alot of traveling all over the world as a ummm... "contractor"... yeah, that's it "contractor". Speedy picked up a few foreign languages, studied how nuclear physics works, and then settled down to a nice desk job in DC. Recently Speedy read an interesting article in the Chronicle of Higher Education - "Graduate Schoolin the Humanities: Just Don't Go". There are only just a few slots for phd's to fill in the humanities. But in the science field there are numerous research positions. Okay, the pays not that great for science researchers but you can get a job ( if not in the US some other advanced countries ). American maufacturing industries are outsourcing everything these days. There needs to be better science education in the U.S. President Obama just announced this morning a $250 million initiativefor science and math teachers. Let's see how that goes. Anyhoo, Speedy is not against the humanities, but the jobs aren't there and it's misleading for humanities professors to imply there will be in the future. Here's the Chronicle article - ( join me on Facebook and see more... )
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