So ASSK got to meet some of the senior leaders of the NLD. But why ? One topic that no reputable media outlet is going to talk about when talking about Myanmar is the topic of "magic'. Well, the JO is not all that reputable so let's take on the subject.
Freemasonry was a major organizing element of the American Revolution against the British. Freemasonry provided a system of management and symbolism to communicate secretly and accomplish its goals. Numerolgy plays a major symbolic role in Freemason activities and planning.
The number "9" represents "rulership". The number "7" is for "perfection". The number "8" equals "infinity" ( just turn it on its side, see ? ) The number "11" means to be "stuck"... thus "7-11" which means "always perfect". And don't get me started on "13".
Washington DC was built on Freemason designs - no buildings over 13 stories; the monuments form a pentagram; the White House address number is "1600" ( 1+6=7) and the zip code is "20007" ( 2+7=9 ). These numbers have no special powers but do represent the organizational and management power and skill to accomplish these achievements.
Now ASSK recently met party leaders - NLD Chairman, Aung Shwe and Central Executive Committee (CEC) member Lun Tin. Lun Tin is "88" years old and Aung Shwe is "92". Such perfect numbers for the Regime. "88" represents the tragedy and NLD loss of 1988; and "92" ( 9+2=11) - thus: "to be always stuck in tragedy and loss". ( and they met on the 17th of the month ... 1+7=8 ) These numbers have no magic power but do hint at the show of power by the Regime. Freemasonry, numerolgy, and symbolism are not wishful thinking and prayer - they are shows of power, skill, and management.
Anyhoo, all powerful entities pick their days carefully - Microsoft premieres Windows products on full moons; Sony on new moons; everybody loves feng shui, right ? If it was good enough for George Washington, we should all learn a little bit more.... ( American Revolution - 1776 - 7+6 = 13; and he waited until there were 13 colonies... que the eerie music ~~~~~~ )
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