Dr. Frances Collins - NIH Director appointee. You saw it here on SpeedyJOHO months ago. Thanks to friends at WH and NIH, Speedy could tell you way ahead of time. There was lots of complaining about Collins before the appointment and after the July 8 appointment.
So what if the guy is Evangelical. As you may know, originally the concept of "separation of church and state" was to keep government out of religion... nowadays it's about trying to keep the Religious Right out of politics. Same goes for science then - keep science out of religion. Religion is between man and his God on an individual basis. This is why the early American settlers came to the New World. To practice religion without government interference. So, same goes for science. Don't worry about religion having an influence on science; worry about scientists saying their is no god.
check this out - http://biologos.org/
It is a very difficult to mark off a boundary between religion and science. Church and science has blamed each other sometimes, however, I think that they are not conflicting originally.