Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sewer mistaken as nuclear reactor... oops

PHUKET, Thailand -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the nations of Southeast Asia to apply additional diplomatic pressure on the reclusive military regime that runs Myanmar. She expressed worry also about how North Korea was passing on its military capabilities -- and maybe even its nuclear technology to Myanmar. But the JO already told you this and even got the pics to prove it ( by the way, the tunnels are just sewer lines... )

Mrs. Clinton offered a carrot to Myanmar's leaders, saying that freeing jailed pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi could open the way for the U.S. to allow investments in the country, which Washington currently targets with stiff economic sanctions. What the ? trade with Myanmar ? Cool! Any loosening of U.S. sanctions would represent a major change in U.S. policy. The reply of the regime was "we're not donkeys, we don't like carrots"....

see the full story on the Wall Street Journal

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Free Burma!!!"... actually, freeing Burma is not free... your tax dollars...

Myanmar kyats...
International aid and development folks in Washington DC are abuzz with hope that U.S. foreign-aid policy might finally be getting a much needed overhaul. Critics have complained that U.S. assistance comes with too many conditions and that too much of the money goes to U.S. companies and consultants. But now maybe President Obama will make some changes.

Probably President Obama's eyes were really opened after his trip to Africa and he saw how pouring money on problems is not the solution. But it's not the Prez that's pouring money onto projects it's government agencies controlled by board members with their own special interests and connections to businesses and consultants.

The National Endowment for Democracy pours millions of your tax dollars to help the likes of Tibet, Uigghurs, Sudan, Israel, and Burma, the list goes on... but do you know how the recipients of these grants spends your tax money ? Can we really make Israelis and Palestinians get along through conferences (ka-ching) ? Can the US influence China not to beat down the llamas by a lecture series (ka-ching) Can your tax dollars save Darfur ( ka-ching ka-ching) ?

see where your money is going
then send emails to find how your tax money is spent

"Separation of Church and Science" - actually means, keep science out of the church...

TJ's letter to Danbury Baptists

Dr. Frances Collins - NIH Director appointee. You saw it here on SpeedyJOHO months ago. Thanks to friends at WH and NIH, Speedy could tell you way ahead of time. There was lots of complaining about Collins before the appointment and after the July 8 appointment.

So what if the guy is Evangelical. As you may know, originally the concept of "separation of church and state" was to keep government out of religion... nowadays it's about trying to keep the Religious Right out of politics. Same goes for science then - keep science out of religion. Religion is between man and his God on an individual basis. This is why the early American settlers came to the New World. To practice religion without government interference. So, same goes for science. Don't worry about religion having an influence on science; worry about scientists saying their is no god.

check this out -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Independence day... way to rub it in, Ban

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit Myanmar this week, he told reporters in Tokyo on Tuesday. Speaking after talks with Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone, he said he was aware of concerns about his July 3-4 visit coinciding with the trial of Suu Kyi, the main opposition leader, who has been under house arrest for years. "It may be the case that the trial happens during my visit to Myanmar. I am very much conscious of that," - duh ?
Listen, Wilberforce can tell you right now, the trail will end in 2011.

Ban told reporters. "I try to use this visit as an opportunity to raise in the strongest possible terms and convey the concerns of the international community of the United Nations to the highest authorities of the Myanmar government," he added. Ban plans to tell Myanmar officials that they must free Aung San Suu Kyi. Good luck with that - all the government offices are closed for the July 4th holiday. Listen to Liz and Nik, Ban !!!
( art by "Mr Creator" )