International Development Enterprise - IDE’s Myanmar program was launched in 2004 and is fast becoming one of the leading international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Myanmar.In Myanmar, IDE focuses our efforts on rural small farm households earning less than $2/day living in the most densely populated areas in both lower and upper Myanmar. Seventy percent of Myanmar’s 36 million poor live in rural areas and earn their income from small-plot agriculture.
IDE views poverty alleviation as a business and holds as its guiding principle the belief that the poor, if given an opportunity, will invest their own limited resources to escape from poverty.
So, do you really still think that NGO's working in Burma are aiding the regime ? You don't have to do humanitarian work in secret. You can do it legit and don't be fooled by no one that don't show the receipts. IDE is legit. Help the Myanmar people to help themselves.
See Paul speak - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSEGN-EJJho
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